I bet you think that the Las Vegas casino generates the most revenue, that’s incorrect, many people don’t know this but a city in China, known as Macau, generates 5 times more money than Las Vegas per day.
Do you know that there are over 1000 websites on the internet that allow you to play blackjack, roulette, poker etc. If you don’t feel confident walking into a casino, online casinos are the best solution for you, most UK casinos are signed up with the GamStop scheme so it means them official casinos will have restrictions with your gambling activities. However, sites like these allow you gamble without restrictions and limitations.
This infographic also shows you facts about a casino that you probably didn’t know about, did you know that a sandwich was invented by a casino player John Montagu, this person was addicted to casinos, and he refused to leave the gambling table to eat, therefore he ordered his servants to bring him roast beef in two slices of bread so he could eat with his hands.